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Michael H. Artinian

Michael H. Artinian, Esq.

Trial Lawyer

Mr. Artinian has extensive experience successfully handling a variety of civil litigation matters, including complex and class-action matters, in State and Federal Courts.

His complex and class-action matters often involve insurance litigation, real estate litigation, employment disputes, construction defects, personal injury, and wrongful death matters.

Mr. Artinian has successfully tried and settled numerous cases, including settling several construction defect actions in excess of $10 million. Other examples include obtaining a more than $1 million arbitration award in a business partnership dispute; and a defense settlement for a waiver of costs in a contentious multi-million dollar alleged trade secret case.

Mr. Artinian is married with two children, and lives in South Orange County.  He participated in the YMCA Adventure Guides Program for 7 years with his kids.


  • Handles Wrongful Death and Serious Personal Injury cases, obtaining several multi-million-dollar results.
  • Represented close to 200 victims of the Las Vegas Shooting, obtaining recoveries for all clients.
  • Handles business litigation, construction defect litigation, fire litigation, employment litigation and real estate litigation matters.
  • Obtained over $25 million for homeowners in class action copper pipe “pinhole leak” cases in Orange County.
  • Multiple successful appeals in employment and construction defect cases.
  • Numerous successful litigation results in business, employment, construction defect and fire cases.
  • Obtained a $21 million default judgment that included millions in punitive damages in a fraud/conversion case.

Awards & accolades

artinian super lawyers