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Posted on 04/28/16 News

The Daily Journal and Orange County Business Journal both featured stories about Richard Bridgford’s $250,000 contribution to start UC Irvine Law’s Civil Justice Research Institute. Announced on the April 27, 2016, the Institute will explore, through interdisciplinary, academically-based and independent research, how the civil justice system can be made more available to everyone seeking relief.

Posted on 04/27/16 News

The University of California, Irvine School of Law has launched a new national Civil Justice Research Institute to explore, through interdisciplinary, academically-based and independent research, how the civil justice system can be made more available to everyone seeking relief. UCI Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky is the founding Chair of the Institute, and it will be

Posted on 01/21/16 News

The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that defendants facing a Telephone Consumer Protection Act suit couldn’t escape a class action by making a settlement offer to individual plaintiffs, a decision that has wide ramifications for all class actions. Here, Richard Bridgford tells Law360 why the decision is significant.   “This represents a huge victory for consumers