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Common Lower Extremity Amputations

Posted on 11/04/24 Personal Injury

Amputation refers to the surgical or traumatic removal of part or all of a limb. It is a severe and permanently disabling type of injury that will affect a victim for the rest of his or her life. Lower extremity amputations – limb removals below the waist – may be required after various types of accidents in California. If you or a loved one has experienced this life-altering injury, consulting an Orange County personal injury lawyer can help you pursue compensation to aid in your recovery and adaptation.

Common types of amputations

Hip Disarticulation Amputations

In this type of lower extremity amputation, the entire leg is removed by separating it from the pelvis at the hip joint. Hip disarticulation is the least common type of limb amputation in the lower half of the body. It may be required if the leg is completely crushed in an accident, such as in an industrial accident or a bad fall.

Above-Knee (Transfemoral) Amputations

An above-knee amputation describes the removal of the leg above the knee. This may include removing part of the femur or thigh bone. It can describe any amputation that occurs between the hip joint and the knee. If the knee can be saved, a transfemoral amputation will be done to remove the leg above the knee joint. If the knee cannot be saved, a mid-thigh amputation will be performed instead.

Knee Disarticulation Amputations

Knee disarticulation involves the removal of the bottom half of the leg at the knee joint. This type of amputation preserves the thigh, femur and patella (kneecap). It does not involve cutting through any bone or muscles. Trauma, infection and tumors are the most common causes of knee disarticulation amputations.

Below-Knee (Transtibial) Amputations

Removal of the leg below the knee (where the knee joint is kept intact) is also known as a transtibial amputation. This describes all amputations from the knee to the ankle. Severe circulation problems, such as those caused by diabetes, as well as infections and severe trauma may lead to this type of limb amputation.

Foot or Toe Amputations

Foot amputations can refer to the removal of part of the foot (partial amputation), total foot amputation at the ankle joint, or the removal of one or more toes. Foot or toe infections, frostbite, severe injury or trauma to the foot, tumors, vascular disease, or diabetes-related health complications such as gangrene can necessitate foot or toe amputations.

Amputation Rehabilitation and Recovery

The recovery process after a lower extremity amputation will depend on the type of amputation and the individual patient. The level of impact the amputation may have on the patient’s life will vary. For example, removal of the toes may affect balance and gait, but generally will not have a major impact. The removal of the entire leg, on the other hand, causes a significant loss of mobility and lifestyle changes. Patients who undergo lower extremity amputations may be fitted for prosthetics to help enable movement and mobility. Significant physical therapy and rehabilitation working with the prosthetics can help the patient acclimate to the use of these medical devices. In general, retaining the knee joint allows for the most effective use of prosthetic limbs; however, each case is unique.

How a Lower Extremity Amputation Lawyer Can Help

If you had to undergo a lower extremity amputation of any type after a preventable accident in California – such as a car crash, slip and fall, or workplace incident – you may be entitled to compensation for your past and future losses. Amputations are classified as “catastrophic injuries,” which may make you eligible for a significant settlement or judgment award, depending on the circumstances. Discuss your specific case with an amputation injury attorney in Orange County at Bridgford, Gleason & Artinian to learn more.

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